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ICRoM 2023
Initial Submission
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What should I do?

To create an EasyChair account you should have a valid email address and do the following:
1- Pass a captcha to prove that you are not a robot;
2- Fill out a simple form with your personal information;
3- Follow the link sent to your email address to complete the account creation.
EasyChair is a free web-based conference management software system used, among other tasks, to organize paper submission and review. EasyChair is widely used, since 2002, in the scientific community, with reportedly more than two million and a half users in 2023.

Important Considerations

Remark 1: IEEE plagiarism check and indexing

As you are all aware, a very strict plagiarism check including self-plagiarism is performed by IEEE before indexing approval. The authors are solely responsible for the right format of the publication (pdf express) and the non-plagiarism. If a paper does not match IEEE standards and does not pass the required tests, it cannot be indexed in IEEE Xplore. Authors are fully responsible for providing correct manuscripts. The ICROM organizing committee is not responsible for any issue resulting from not following the above guidelines.

Remark 2: Conference registration

The conference policy requires that at least one of the authors of a paper must have paid the registration fee for the final paper upload. One standard registration can be used for the upload of at most two contributions. If you are an author or co-author of a single contribution, your registration cannot be shared or used for uploading someone else’s contribution. You may go to the registration page for online payment.

Remark 3: Overlength papers:

The paper’s page limit is six pages, up to two more extra pages are allowed, with the extra charge of 2,000,000 IRR ( € 100 ) per page. This will be assessed at the time of final submission. We emphasize that any accepted paper (oral or poster) not registered and not presented by one of its authors will not be included in the final proceedings and therefore will not be indexed in the IEEE Xplore.

Submission Instruction

1- Follow the link below and read plagiarism awareness by IEEE: Plagiarism Awareness

2- Prepare your paper according to the paper format provided in (Please use A4 paper size): IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings

3- To prepare and submit the final version of a paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings, authors must perform ALL the subsequent activities: IEEE AUTHOR’S KIT | IEEE Author Center

4- We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members, and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree: IEEE Code of Ethics
