Tutorial 3
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Tutorial 3
Tutorial 3
- Artificial Intelligence And Robotics, A Practical Overview

Dec. 19, 2023 - 14:00 to 17:00

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Computer Science. Machine learning, Deep learning, Computer Vision

Qeshm pazhuhan AI and robotics research center

Soheil Khatibi

1. Introduction to AI:
- Explore the basics of Artificial Intelligence, including its definition, types, and the role it plays in technology.
2. Introduction to Robotics:
- Provide a foundational understanding of robotics, covering challenges such as uncertainty,
and state estimation.
3. AI and Robotics:
- Examine the intersection of AI and robotics, highlighting how intelligent systems enhance and empower robotic capabilities.
4. Applying Intelligent Capabilities on Robots:
- Dive into the practical side of AI in robotics, focusing on specific applications such as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), localization, navigation, object detection, and thus intelligent behaviors (human following).

● Artificial Intelligence:
○ Introduction
○ Foundations
○ History
○ The state of the Art
○ Risks and Benefits of AI
● Robotics:
○ Introduction
○ Applications
○ Uncertainty in Robotics
○ State Estimation Problem
○ Localization and its Necessities
○ Map and its necessities for Localization
○ Simultaneous Localization And Mapping(SLAM)
● AI and Robotics
○ Introduction to robot learning
○ State-of-the-Art and Recent Advancements
○ SERVIN Robot Introduction
○ Applying intelligent capabilities to robots (Servin)
○ Slam, localization, navigation, object detection, and human following behavior on
○ Prospective AI challenges on the robots.
