ICRoM 2021 Program at a Glance

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GMT – Zone

Time (Tehran)

GMT +3:30

04:30 – 14:30 08:00 – 18:00 Online Registration
10:00 – 16:30 13:30 – 20:00 Workshop IΒ  | Video (Link2)

Open-Source Robotics: Status and Future Horizons

12:00 – 17:00 15:30 – 20:30 Workshop II | Video (Link2)

Parallel and Cable Robots: Learning From Past For Future Frontiers

06:30 – 10:30 10:00 – 14:00 Workshop III | Video (Link2)

New Approaches in Design, Modeling, and Control of Soft Robots

12:00 – 15:00 15:30 – 18:30 Workshop IV | Video (Link2)

Cyber-Security in Cyber-Physical SystemsΒ  Β  Β Β 

10:30 – 14:30 14:00 – 18:00 Tutorial I | Video (Link2)

Robot Operating System (ROS), Simulators, Artificial Intelligence in Robotics Applications

Before Your Presentation:

  1. Check that your computer meets the technical requirements:Β good internet connection, supported Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari) for Skyroom, and sound and video check.
  2. Participate in the rehearsal in the following dates:
    1. 10-12 (Tehran GMT +3.30), Saturday, November 13, 2021.
    2. 10-12 (Tehran GMT +3.30), Sunday, November 14, 2021.

Tips for Preparation:

  1. English is the official language of the ICRoM 2021 Conference, therefore all presentations must be prepared and delivered in English. However, if all the participants are Persian speaking, and the session chair admits, you may present in Persian. Not that, playing a recorded video from the presentations is not allowed in any circumstance.
  2. To present an oral presentation at the online conference, presenters are required to prepare aΒ PowerPoint or Beamer Presentation file:
  3. Template: you are welcome to use your own PowerPoint template.
  4. Time: 13-15 minutes for the presentation (number of slides shall not exec 20 pages; however, each slide must contain the number of the slide at the bottom of the page out of the total length of presentation (example: 1/24))

In the presentation day:

  1. The papers will be presented based on the Easy-Chair ID appeared in conference program at icrom.ir in the corresponding virtual rooms.
  2. Please enter the related room, 10 minutes before your session starts.Β A technical operator will be ready to give you instructions and assistance during the live session if it is needed.
  3. The chair will introduce the session and then the first presenter. When it is your turn, you will be introduced and you start sharing your screen.
  4. The presenters are encouraged to use their camera during their presentations.
  5. Every presenter has a maximum of 15 minutes to prepare and share screen and present followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
    1. The time slots are rigid and cannot be extended! Therefore, the session chairs will certainly stop the presentation if the 15 minutes limit is over.
    2. Any latency in sharing the screen and starting the presentations will be considered in your 15-minute time slot for presentation.
  6. There is no need and it is not possible to upload your presentation or send it to us, as you must share your screen during the session in Skyroom.

Hint: Papers without live presentation will be withdrawn from the conference proceedings and will not be included in IEEE Xplore.
